The Blog

Lilah Hegnauer’s PANTRY

Carrie Chappell

Few words bewitch the senses quite like those that recall the world of food. And even fewer ignite the prosaic ear in worlds of poetry. Yet, Lilah Hegnauer did not choose to call her second collection “Snickers bar,” “bell pepper,” or even “cellar door.” Pantry—winner of the 2013 New Southern Voices Book Prize selected by D.A. Powell—arrives in humble felicity. Here, among the canned, jarred, and bagged, is where Hegnauer unleashes her unusual, mystic domestic.


Ted Mathys

There is a well-worn creative writing cliché that a writer must “find” her voice. The Internet drips with advice for the aspiring writer looking to do this, some of it reading like self-help lit for those trying to professionalize. In a blog post titled “Find Your Poetic Voice” on the Writer’s Digest website, for example, Laurie Zupan writes: "I realized that what I didn’t have was a clear, working definition of poetic voice. So I set out to find one—with the goal of honing my voice and the hope that...I’d land myself in a graduate program." Books on poetic craft also traffic in this language. W.W.

2016–17 Internships at The Iowa Review

TIR staff

The Iowa Review (TIR) seeks three UI undergraduate interns for the academic year 2016–17 (one intern with an interest in fiction, one with an interest in poetry, and one with an interest in creative nonfiction) as part of a partnership with the Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates (ICRU). Please note that we are currently not offering a summer internship.


Candidates must be University of Iowa undergraduates, have a UI GPA of 3.33 or above, be entering their junior or senior year, and be English majors. They should be able to work independently and should have a strong interest in literary writing, editing, and publishing.


Interns will work 5-10 hours a week from August 22, 2016, through May 12, 2017 (University breaks not included), and receive a scholarship of $2,000 ($1,000 per semester).


Michael Magras

In Film According to François Truffaut, the great director of The 400 Blows and Jules and Jim says, “I always preferred the reflection of life to life itself. If I chose books and films, from the age of eleven or twelve, it’s because I preferred to see life through books or films.” Truffaut wasn’t the only one who felt this way. For some people, film isn’t just a passion. It’s the prism through which they view the world. 


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